

Modelling the Webspace of an Intranet

14 years 7 months ago
Modelling the Webspace of an Intranet
Searching the internet using the currently available searchengines is not satisfactory. Thetechniquesused there focus on the extraction of relevant informationdirectlyfrom the documents available on the web. We introduce a new approach, which aims ut describing the content of a webspace,formed by a collection of related documents, instead of looking at the single documents. By identifying concepts and the relationships among them, the content of a webspace is described semantically in a schema for the webspace. Themain objective is that byfollowing thisapproach we can start querying the content of a collection of related documents rather than the content of a single document. In this paper we introduce a model for webspaces that allows us to describe the concepts at a semanticul level, in terms of classes, associations over classes, and attributes of classes. At the syntactical level we use XML, to describe information as instantiations of the concepts dejined in the webspace schema. ...
Roelof van Zwol, Peter M. G. Apers
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where WISE
Authors Roelof van Zwol, Peter M. G. Apers
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