

On Modularity in Term Rewriting and Narrowing

14 years 6 months ago
On Modularity in Term Rewriting and Narrowing
We introduce a modular property of equational proofs, called modularity of normalization, for the union of term rewrite systems with shared symbols. The idea is, that every normalization with R = R1 + R2 may be obtained by rst normalizing with R1 followed by an R2 normalization. We develop criteria for this that cover non-convergent TRS R, where, as the main restriction, R1 is required to be left-linear and convergent. As interesting applications we consider solving equations modulo a theory given by a TRS. Here we present a modular narrowing strategy that can be combined with nearly all common narrowing strategies. Furthermore, we also prove some modularity results for decidability of uni cation and matching (via termination of narrowing).
Christian Prehofer
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where CCL
Authors Christian Prehofer
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