

Monadic Second-Order Logic and Transitive Closure Logics over Trees

14 years 3 months ago
Monadic Second-Order Logic and Transitive Closure Logics over Trees
Model theoretic syntax is concerned with studying the descriptive complexity of grammar formalisms for natural languages by defining their derivation trees in suitable logical formalisms. The central tool for model theoretic syntax has been monadic second-order logic (MSO). Much of the recent research in this area has been concerned with finding more expressive logics to capture the derivation trees of grammar formalisms that generate non-context-free languages. The motivation behind this search for more expressive logics is to describe formally certain mildly context-sensitive phenomena of natural languages. Several extensions to MSO have been proposed, most of which no longer define the derivation trees of grammar formalisms directly, while others introduce logically odd restrictions. We therefore propose to consider first-order transitive closure logic. In this logic, derivation trees can be defined in a direct way. Our main result is that transitive closure logic, even determinist...
Hans-Jörg Tiede, Stephan Kepser
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Hans-Jörg Tiede, Stephan Kepser
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