

Monetizing the Internet: Surely There Must be Something other than Advertising

14 years 7 months ago
Monetizing the Internet: Surely There Must be Something other than Advertising
Almost all attempts to monetize internet applications targeted at individuals to date have focused on natural extensions of traditional media or traditional retailing. Most are either some form of consumerfocused advertising or of consumer-focused eCommerce. And yet the net is far more powerful and liberating than traditional media on the one hand, and far more liberating and thus inappropriate as an alternative to traditional media on the other; use of the net as an advertising medium not only does not play to its strengths, but actually works in an area where the net is surprisingly inappropriate. We explore eight other areas profitable business models that can be implemented online, and explore experience with them. We conclude with strategic recommendations for corporations as well as with suggestions for further research.
Eric K. Clemons
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Eric K. Clemons
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