

Monitoring workspace activities using accelerometers

13 years 6 months ago
Monitoring workspace activities using accelerometers
In this paper, we describe a physical activity classification system using a body sensor network (BSN) consisting of costsensitive tri-axial accelerometers. We focus on workspace activities (different motions and sitting postures). We use a Naive Bayes classifier and show that we can train the system simply and systematically. For each task, we find a set of features that separate the corresponding activities.
Natali Ruchansky, Claire Lochner, Elizabeth Do, Tr
Added 20 Aug 2011
Updated 20 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Natali Ruchansky, Claire Lochner, Elizabeth Do, Tremaine Rawls, Mohamed Nabil Hajj Chehade, Jay Chien, Gregory J. Pottie, William J. Kaiser
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