

Morphable Messaging: Efficient Support for Evolution in Distributed Applications

14 years 4 months ago
Morphable Messaging: Efficient Support for Evolution in Distributed Applications
All but the most briefly used systems must evolve as their mission and roles change over time. Evolution in the context of large distributed systems is extraordinarily complex because of the difficulty of upgrading all components simultaneously, and the fact that such systems are often very sensitive to changes in the message formats that underlay their communication. Prior approaches to the problem of implementing changes in a deployed system have relied upon adhoc solutions or protocol negotiation to avoid message format mismatches. In this paper we present a novel approach that combines message meta-data and dynamic code generation to create a robust messaging system that naturally support application evolution. Keywords Message evolution, interoperability, distributed systems, dynamic code generation, transformation, PBIO
Sandip Agarwala, Greg Eisenhauer, Karsten Schwan
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Sandip Agarwala, Greg Eisenhauer, Karsten Schwan
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