

MorphoNet: Exploring the Use of Community Structure for Unsupervised Morpheme Analysis

14 years 1 months ago
MorphoNet: Exploring the Use of Community Structure for Unsupervised Morpheme Analysis
This paper investigates a novel approach to unsupervised morphology induction relying on community detection in networks. In a first step, morphological transformation rules are automatically acquired based on graphical similarities between words. These rules encode substring substitutions for transforming one word form into another. The transformation rules are then applied to the construction of a lexical network. The nodes of the network stand for words while edges represent transformation rules. In the next step, a clustering algorithm is applied to the network to detect families of morphologically related words. Finally, morpheme analyses are produced based on the transformation rules and the word families obtained after clustering. While still in its preliminary development stages, this method obtains encouraging results at Morpho Challenge 2009, which demonstrate the viability of the approach. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.2 [Artificial Intelligence]: I.2.6 Learning; I.2...
Delphine Bernhard
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CLEF
Authors Delphine Bernhard
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