

MOS-Based Rate Adaption for VoIP Sources

14 years 6 months ago
MOS-Based Rate Adaption for VoIP Sources
—This paper proposes an algorithm for the adaptive adjustment of the transmission rate of VoIP sources based on the voice quality estimated at the receiver. This adjustment is achieved through the appropriate use of differing voice codecs, as the conditions of the network change, in order to maintain an efficient utilization of the available resources. To validate our proposal realistically, we have made an effort to simulate VoIP calls using sources that follow Brady´s model of human conversations. We investigate the effects of the proposed model on the aggregate network traffic and compare the results with existing related work. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm makes better use of the available bandwidth, achieving superior performance in comparison to similar works.
Nilmax Teones Moura, Bruno A. Vianna, Célio
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICC
Authors Nilmax Teones Moura, Bruno A. Vianna, Célio V. N. Albuquerque, Vinod E. F. Rebello, Cristina Boeres
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