

Motion image segmentation using global criteria and DP

14 years 8 months ago
Motion image segmentation using global criteria and DP
We propose methods for segmenting a motion sequence into motion primitives, taking into account temporal constraints (continuity along the time axis). In the proposed methods, dynamic programming (DP) is used on a motion feature sequence to allow for the effects of these constraints on the results of the segmentation. The methods do not require such a running window along the time axis, as is typical for the usual methods, and thus they can be applied to the segmentation of transient motions. The results of comparative experiments using several motion features and segmentation methods on weightlifting motion data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
Takumi Kobayashi, Fumito Yoshikawa, Nobuyuki Otsu
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where FGR
Authors Takumi Kobayashi, Fumito Yoshikawa, Nobuyuki Otsu
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