

Movie Genre Classification By Exploiting Audio-Visual Features Of Previews

15 years 1 months ago
Movie Genre Classification By Exploiting Audio-Visual Features Of Previews
We present a method to classify movies on the basis of audio-visual cues present in the previews. A preview summarizes the main idea of a movie providing suitable amount of information to perform the genre classification. In our approach movies are initially classified into action and nonaction by computing the visual disturbance feature and average shot length of every movie. Visual disturbance is defined as a measure of motion content in a clip. Next we use color, audio and cinematic principles for further classification into comedy, horror, drama/other and movies containing explosions and gunfire. This work is a step towards automatically building and updating video database, thus resulting in minimum human intervention. Other potential applications include browsing and retrieval of videos on the Internet (video-on-demand), video libraries, and rating of the movies.
Zeeshan Rasheed, Mubarak Shah
Added 09 Nov 2009
Updated 09 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICPR
Authors Zeeshan Rasheed, Mubarak Shah
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