

MPI-parallelized Radiance on SGI CoW and SMP

14 years 4 months ago
MPI-parallelized Radiance on SGI CoW and SMP
For lighting simulations in architecture there is the need for correct illumination calculation of virtual scenes. The Radiance Synthetic Imaging System delivers an excellent solution to that problem. Unfortunately, simulating complex scenes leads to long computation times even for one frame. This paper proposes a parallelization strategy which is suited for scenes with medium to high complexity to decrease calculation time. For a set of scenes the obtained speedup indicates the good performance of the chosen load balancing method. The use of MPI delivers a platform independent solution for clusters of workstations (CoWs) as well as for shared-memory multiprocessors (SMPs).
Roland Koholka, Heinz Mayer, Alois Goller
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where ACPC
Authors Roland Koholka, Heinz Mayer, Alois Goller
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