

MRF-Based Background Initialisation for Improved Foreground Detection in Cluttered Surveillance Videos

13 years 9 months ago
MRF-Based Background Initialisation for Improved Foreground Detection in Cluttered Surveillance Videos
Abstract. Robust foreground object segmentation via background modelling is a difficult problem in cluttered environments, where obtaining a clear view of the background to model is almost impossible. In this paper, we propose a method capable of robustly estimating the background and detecting regions of interest in such environments. In particular, we propose to extend the background initialisation component of a recent patch-based foreground detection algorithm with an elaborate technique based on Markov Random Fields, where the optimal labelling solution is computed using iterated conditional modes. Rather than relying purely on local temporal statistics, the proposed technique takes into account the spatial continuity of the entire background. Experiments with several tracking algorithms on the CAVIAR dataset indicate that the proposed method leads to considerable improvements in object tracking accuracy, when compared to methods based on Gaussian mixture models and feature histog...
Vikas Reddy, Conrad Sanderson, Andres Sanin, Brian
Added 12 May 2011
Updated 12 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ACCV
Authors Vikas Reddy, Conrad Sanderson, Andres Sanin, Brian C. Lovell
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