

MSPASS: Modal Reasoning by Translation and First-Order Resolution

14 years 6 months ago
MSPASS: Modal Reasoning by Translation and First-Order Resolution
mspass is an extension of the first-order theorem prover spass, which can be used as a modal logic theorem prover, a theorem prover for description logics and a theorem prover for the relational calculus. 1 MSPASS mspass [17] is an enhancement of the first-order theorem prover spass with a translator of modal formulae, formulae of description logics, and formulae of the relational calculus. spass [19, 20] is one of the fastest and most sophisticated theorem provers for first-order logic with equality, and it's performance compares well with special purpose theorem provers for modal logics, description logics and first-order logic [7, 11, 18]. The input language of spass was extended to accept as input also modal, relational and description logic formulae. Modal formulae and description logic formulae are built from a vocabulary of propositional symbols of two disjoint types, namely, propositional (Boolean or concept) and relational (role). The repertoire of logical constructs incl...
Ullrich Hustadt, Renate A. Schmidt
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Ullrich Hustadt, Renate A. Schmidt
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