

mtDB: Human Mitochondrial Genome Database, a resource for population genetics and medical sciences

14 years 3 months ago
mtDB: Human Mitochondrial Genome Database, a resource for population genetics and medical sciences
The mitochondrial genome, contained in the subcellular mitochondrial network, encodes a small number of peptides pivotal for cellular energy production. Mitochondrialgenesarehighlypolymorphicandcataloguing existing variation is of interest for medical scientists involved in the identification of mutations causing mitochondrial dysfunction, as well as for population genetics studies. Human Mitochondrial Genome Database (mtDB) ( mtDB) has provided a comprehensive database of complete human mitochondrial genomes since early 2000. At this time, owing to an increase in the number of published complete human mitochondrial genome sequences, it became necessary to provide a web-based database of human whole genome and complete coding region sequences. As of August 2005 this database contains 2104 sequences (1544 complete genome and 560 coding region) available to download or search for specific polymorphisms. Of special interest to medical researchers and population ge...
Max Ingman, Ulf Gyllensten
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where NAR
Authors Max Ingman, Ulf Gyllensten
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