

Multi-Channel Live P2P Streaming: Refocusing on Servers

14 years 10 months ago
Multi-Channel Live P2P Streaming: Refocusing on Servers
Abstract—Due to peer instability and time-varying peer upload bandwidth availability in live peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming channels, it is preferable to provision adequate levels of stable upload capacities at dedicated streaming servers, in order to guarantee the streaming quality in all channels. Most commercial P2P streaming systems have resorted to the practice of overprovisioning upload capacities on streaming servers. In this paper, we have performed a detailed analysis on 400 GB and 7 months of run-time traces from UUSee, a commercial P2P streaming system, and observed that available capacities on streaming servers are not able to keep up with the increasing demand imposed by hundreds of channels. We propose a novel online server capacity provisioning algorithm that proactively adjusts the server capacities available to each of the concurrent channels, such that the supply of server bandwidth in each channel dynamically adapts to the forecasted demand, taking into account the n...
Chuan Wu, Baochun Li, Shuqiao Zhao
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Chuan Wu, Baochun Li, Shuqiao Zhao
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