

A multi-criteria model for electronic auctions

14 years 7 months ago
A multi-criteria model for electronic auctions
In this paper we present a multi-criteria model for electronic auctions, which is based on reference points. According to the model, the buyer must specify an aspiration point that expresses his desired values on the attributes of the item to be purchased and a reservation point that represents the minimal values required. Negotiation takes place between software agents that negotiate on behalf of their human owners. The multi-criteria model allows the buyer agent to control the negotiation process on each attribute of the deal. We illustrate the use of this model by providing an auction mechanism based on an English reverse auction protocol. Categories and Subject Descriptors J.8 [Computer Applications]: Internet Applications— Electronic commerce Keywords Electronic commerce, multi-attribute auction, software agents.
Marie-Jo Bellosta, Imène Brigui, Sylvie Kor
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where SAC
Authors Marie-Jo Bellosta, Imène Brigui, Sylvie Kornman, Daniel Vanderpooten
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