
ACL Anthology

Multi-Document Summarization of Evaluative Text

14 years 1 months ago
Multi-Document Summarization of Evaluative Text
We present and compare two approaches to the task of summarizing evaluative arguments. The first is a sentence extractionbased approach while the second is a language generation-based approach. We evaluate these approaches in a user study and find that they quantitatively perform equally well. Qualitatively, however, we find that they perform well for different but complementary reasons. We conclude that an effective method for summarizing evaluative arguments must effectively synthesize the two approaches.
Giuseppe Carenini, Raymond T. Ng, Adam Pauls
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where EACL
Authors Giuseppe Carenini, Raymond T. Ng, Adam Pauls
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