

Multi-Modal Tracking of Faces for Video Communications

14 years 6 months ago
Multi-Modal Tracking of Faces for Video Communications
This paper describes a system which uses multiple visual processes to detect and track faces for video compression and transmission. The system is based on an architecture in which a supervisor selects and activates visual processes in cyclic manner. Control of visual processes is made possible by a confidence factor which accompanies each observation. Fusion of results into a unified estimation for tracking is made possible by estimating a covariance matrix with each observation. Visual processes for face tracking are described using blink detection, normalised color histogram matching, and cross correlation (SSD and NCC). Ensembles of visual processes are organised into processing states so as to provide robust tracking. Transition between states is determined by events detected by processes. The result of face detection is fed into recursive estimator (Kalman filter). The output from the estimator drives a PD controller for a pan/tilt/zoom camera. The resulting system provides robu...
James L. Crowley, François Bérard
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where CVPR
Authors James L. Crowley, François Bérard
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