

Multi-Tagging for Lexicalized-Grammar Parsing

14 years 5 months ago
Multi-Tagging for Lexicalized-Grammar Parsing
With performance above 97% accuracy for newspaper text, part of speech (POS) tagging might be considered a solved problem. Previous studies have shown that allowing the parser to resolve POS tag ambiguity does not improve performance. However, for grammar formalisms which use more fine-grained grammatical categories, for example TAG and CCG, tagging accuracy is much lower. In fact, for these formalisms, premature ambiguity resolution makes parsing infeasible. We describe a multi-tagging approach which maintains a suitable level of lexical category ambiguity for accurate and efficient CCG parsing. We extend this multitagging approach to the POS level to overcome errors introduced by automatically assigned POS tags. Although POS tagging accuracy seems high, maintaining some POS tag ambiguity in the language processing pipeline results in more accurate CCG supertagging.
James R. Curran, Stephen Clark, David Vadas
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ACL
Authors James R. Curran, Stephen Clark, David Vadas
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