

Multi-view Regression Via Canonical Correlation Analysis

14 years 8 months ago
Multi-view Regression Via Canonical Correlation Analysis
In the multi-view regression problem, we have a regression problem where the input variable (which is a real vector) can be partitioned into two different views, where it is assumed that either view of the input is sufficient to make accurate predictions — this is essentially (a significantly weaker version of) the co-training assumption for the regression problem. We provide a semi-supervised algorithm which first uses unlabeled data to learn a norm (or, equivalently, a kernel) and then uses labeled data in a ridge regression algorithm (with this induced norm) to provide the predictor. The unlabeled data is used via canonical correlation analysis (CCA, which is a closely related to PCA for two random variables) to derive an appropriate norm over functions. We are able to characterize the intrinsic dimensionality of the subsequent ridge regression problem (which uses this norm) by the correlation coefficients provided by CCA in a rather simple expression. Interestingly, the norm u...
Sham M. Kakade, Dean P. Foster
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where COLT
Authors Sham M. Kakade, Dean P. Foster
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