

Multi-View Scene Flow Estimation: A View Centered Variational Approach

14 years 3 months ago
Multi-View Scene Flow Estimation: A View Centered Variational Approach
We present a novel method for recovering the 3D structure and scene flow from calibrated multi-view sequences. We propose a 3D point cloud parametrization of the 3D structure and scene flow that allows us to directly estimate the desired unknowns. A unified global energy functional is proposed to incorporate the information from the available sequences and simultaneously recover both depth and scene flow. The functional enforces multi-view geometric consistency and imposes brightness constancy and piecewise smoothness assumptions directly on the 3D unknowns. It inherently handles the challenges of discontinuities, occlusions, and large displacements. The main contribution of this work is the fusion of a 3D representation and an advanced variational framework that directly uses the available multi-view information. The minimization of the functional is successfully obtained despite the non-convex optimization problem. The proposed method was tested on real and synthetic data.
Tali Bahsa, Yael Moses, Nahum Kiryati
Added 08 Sep 2010
Updated 08 Sep 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CVPR
Authors Tali Bahsa, Yael Moses, Nahum Kiryati
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