

Multiagent Systems in Information-Rich Environments

14 years 6 months ago
Multiagent Systems in Information-Rich Environments
Information-rich environments are the open environments that characterize most of the modern applications of computing technology. The applications include ubiquitous information access, electronic commerce, virtual enterprises, logistics, and sensor integration, to name but a few. These applications di er from conventional database applications not only in the nature and variety of information they involve, but also in including a signi cant component that is beyond the information system per se: the creation, transformation, use, and ultimate fate of information. The environments are typi ed only by the large amounts and varieties of information they include, and whose e ective and e cient management is key to the above applications. Multiagent systems MAS are an important paradigm for building complex information systems, especially cooperative ones. We describe how cooperative information system architectures have evolved a set of common types of computational agents. We also descr...
Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where CIA
Authors Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh
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