

Multiclass Object Recognition Based on Texture Linear Genetic Programming

14 years 4 months ago
Multiclass Object Recognition Based on Texture Linear Genetic Programming
This paper presents a linear genetic programming approach, that solves simultaneously the region selection and feature extraction tasks, that are applicable to common image recognition problems. The method searches for optimal regions of interest, using texture information as its feature space and classification accuracy as the fitness function. Texture is analyzed based on the gray level cooccurrence matrix and classification is carried out with a SVM committee. Results show effective performance compared with previous results using a standard image database.
Gustavo Olague, Eva Romero, Leonardo Trujillo, Bir
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where EVOW
Authors Gustavo Olague, Eva Romero, Leonardo Trujillo, Bir Bhanu
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