

Multigrain Parallelism for Eigenvalue Computations on Networks of Clusters

14 years 6 months ago
Multigrain Parallelism for Eigenvalue Computations on Networks of Clusters
Clusters of workstations have become a cost-effective means of performing scientific computations. However, large network latencies, resource sharing, and heterogeneity found in networks of clusters and Grids can impede the performance of applications not specifically tailored for use in such environments. A typical example is the traditional fine grain implementations of Krylov-like iterative methods, a central component in many scientific applications. To exploit the potential of these environments, advances in networking technology must be complemented by advances in parallel algorithmic design. In this paper, we present an algorithmic technique that increases the granularity of parallel, block iterative methods by inducing additional work during the preconditioning (inexact solution) phase of the iteration. During this phase, each vector in the block is preconditioned by a different subgroup of processors, yielding a much coarser granularity. The rest of the method comprises a...
James R. McCombs, Andreas Stathopoulos
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where HPDC
Authors James R. McCombs, Andreas Stathopoulos
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