

On Multihop Distances in Wireless Sensor Networks with Random Node Locations

14 years 1 months ago
On Multihop Distances in Wireless Sensor Networks with Random Node Locations
—Location and intersensor distance estimations are important functions for the operation of wireless sensor networks, especially when protocols can benefit from the distance information prior to network deployment. The maximum multihop distance that can be covered in a given number of hops in a sensor network is one such parameter related with coverage area, delay, and minimal multihop transmission energy consumption estimations. In randomly deployed sensor networks, intersensor distances are random variables. Hence, their evaluations require probabilistic methods, and distance models should involve investigation of distance distribution functions. Current literature on analytical modeling of the maximum distance distribution is limited to 1D networks using the Gaussian pdf. However, determination of the maximum multihop distance distribution in 2D networks is a quite complex problem. Furthermore, distance distributions in 2D networks are not accurately modeled by the Gaussian pdf. H...
Serdar Vural, Eylem Ekici
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TMC
Authors Serdar Vural, Eylem Ekici
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