

Multimedia Adaptive Computer based Testing: An Overview

14 years 7 months ago
Multimedia Adaptive Computer based Testing: An Overview
Instead of computer games, animations, cartoons, and videos being used only for entertainment by kids, there is now an interest in using multimedia for “innovative testing.” Rather than traditional paper-and-pencil tests, audio, video and graphics are being conceived as alternative means for more effective testing in the future [1,11,18,19,26,30,31]. In this paper we review some examples of multimedia item types for testing. As well, we will outline research on testing the seven types of intelligence through multimedia; describe how games can be used to test physics concepts; discuss designing chemistry item types with interactive multimedia; consider architecture for supporting online multimedia testing; and suggest approaches for automatically determining difficulty level in interactive mathematical questions. Detailed description on various topics will be given in the other papers to follow in the special session.
Anup Basu, Irene Cheng, Mun Prasad, Gautam Rao
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Anup Basu, Irene Cheng, Mun Prasad, Gautam Rao
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