

On the Multimodal Logic of Normative Systems

14 years 6 months ago
On the Multimodal Logic of Normative Systems
Abstract. We introduce Multimodal Logics of Normative Systems as a contribution to the development of a general logical framework for reasoning about normative systems over logics for Multi-Agent Systems. Given a multimodal logic L, for every modality 2i and normative system η, we expand the language adding a new modality 2η i with the intended meaning of 2η i φ being ”φ is obligatory in the context of the normative system η over the logic L”. In this expanded language we define the Multimodal Logic of Normative Systems over L, for any given set of normative systems N, and we give a sound and complete axiomatisation for this logic, proving transfer and model checking results. The special case when L and N are axiomatised by sets of Sahlqvist or shallow modal formulas is studied.
Pilar Dellunde
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ATAL
Authors Pilar Dellunde
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