

Multimodality Image Registration Using an Extensible Information Metric and High Dimensional Histogramming

15 years 2 months ago
Multimodality Image Registration Using an Extensible Information Metric and High Dimensional Histogramming
Abstract. We extend an information metric from intermodality (2image) registration to multimodality (multiple-image) registration so that we can simultaneously register multiple images of different modalities. And we also provide the normalized version of the extensible information metric, which has better performance in high noise situations. Compared to mutual information which can even become negative in the multiple image case, our metric can be easily and naturally extended to multiple images. After using a new technique to efficiently compute high dimensional histograms, the extensible information metric can be efficiently computed even for multiple images. To showcase the new measure, we compare the results of direct multimodality registration using high-dimensional histogramming with repeated intermodality registration. We find that registering 3 images simultaneously with the new metric is more accurate than pair-wise registration on 2D images obtained from synthetic magnetic ...
Jie Zhang, Anand Rangarajan
Added 16 Nov 2009
Updated 16 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IPMI
Authors Jie Zhang, Anand Rangarajan
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