

Multipedia: enriching DBpedia with multimedia information

13 years 5 months ago
Multipedia: enriching DBpedia with multimedia information
Enriching knowledge bases with multimedia information makes it possible to complement textual descriptions with visual and audio information. Such complementary information can help users to understand the meaning of assertions, and in general improve the user experience with the knowledge base. In this paper we address the problem of how to enrich ontology instances with candidate images retrieved from existing Web search engines. DBpedia has evolved into a major hub in the Linked Data cloud, interconnecting millions of entities organized under a consistent ontology. Our approach taps into the Wikipedia corpus to gather context information for DBpedia instances and takes advantage of image tagging information when this is available to calculate semantic relatedness between instances and candidate images. We performed experiments with focus on the particularly challenging problem of highly ambiguous names. Both methods presented in this work outperformed the baseline. Our best method ...
Andrés García-Silva, Max Jakob, Pabl
Added 16 Sep 2011
Updated 16 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where KCAP
Authors Andrés García-Silva, Max Jakob, Pablo N. Mendes, Christian Bizer
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