

Multiple Factors-Based Opinion Retrieval and Coarse-to-Fine Sentiment Classification

13 years 8 months ago
Multiple Factors-Based Opinion Retrieval and Coarse-to-Fine Sentiment Classification
With more and more reviews on the web, browsing through a mass of the related reviews becomes a heavy work. How to effectively analyzing and organizing these reviews attracts more attention. Opinion mining deals with the computational treatment of opinion, sentiment, and subjectivity in documents has received a lot of attention in natural language processing and information retrieval research community. This paper focuses on retrieving the opinion documents and giving their sentiment orientation. The topic relevant opinion documents are measured with a sentiment model, combining the existing knowledge and statistic information. Opinion lexicon is fused in the model to measure the sentiment strength. Multi-level sentiment analysis approach is proposed to find the topic related sentiment information. Supervised method and unsupervised method are adopted to solve the document level and phrase level classification. Our experimental results on COAE show the effectiveness of the proposed me...
Shu Zhang, Wen-Jie Jia, Yingju Xia, Yao Meng, Hao
Added 17 May 2011
Updated 17 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IALP
Authors Shu Zhang, Wen-Jie Jia, Yingju Xia, Yao Meng, Hao Yu
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