

Multiple-Goal Reinforcement Learning with Modular Sarsa(0)

14 years 1 months ago
Multiple-Goal Reinforcement Learning with Modular Sarsa(0)
We present a new algorithm, GM-Sarsa(0), for finding approximate solutions to multiple-goal reinforcement learning problems that are modeled as composite Markov decision processes. According to our formulation different sub-goals are modeled as MDPs that are coupled by the requirement that they share actions. Existing reinforcement learning algorithms address similar problem formulations by first finding optimal policies for the component MDPs, and then merging these into a policy for the composite task. The problem with such methods is that policies that are optimized separately may or may not perform well when they are merged into a composite solution. Instead of searching for optimal policies for the component MDPs in isolation, our approach finds good policies in the context of the composite task.
Nathan Sprague, Dana H. Ballard
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Nathan Sprague, Dana H. Ballard
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