

Multiplexed State Saving for Bounded Rollback

14 years 3 months ago
Multiplexed State Saving for Bounded Rollback
Optimistic parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) uses a state history trail to support rollback. State saving strategies range from making a complete copy of a model’s state after each event execution to recording a sequence of each state modification made during event execution. The former is called copy state saving (CSS) and the latter incremental state saving (ISS). Periodic State Saving (PSS) a variant of CSS, saves the entire state but not after every event. This paper presents a scheme for maintaining a multiplexed state history stream that interleaves a PSS mechanism with an optimized ISS mechanism. This multiplexed state saving (MSS) mechanism keeps forward execution overhead low while bounding rollback overhead over an arbitrary rollback distance. A key advantage of MSS over PSS is that events are not re-executed during a coasting forward phase. Bounding rollback costs has two significant benefits. First, rollback delay can be controlled reducing rollback cascading ...
Fabian Gomes, Brian Unger, John G. Cleary, Steve F
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where WSC
Authors Fabian Gomes, Brian Unger, John G. Cleary, Steve Franks
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