

Multiresolution shape deformations for meshes with dynamic vertex connectivity

14 years 2 months ago
Multiresolution shape deformations for meshes with dynamic vertex connectivity
Multiresolution shape representation is a very effective way to decompose surface geometry into several levels of detail. Geometric modeling with such representations enables flexible modifications of the global shape while preserving the detail information. Many schemes for modeling with multiresolution decompositions based on splines, polygonal meshes and subdivision surfaces have been proposed recently. In this paper we modify the classical concept of multiresolution representation by no longer requiring a global hierarchical structure that links the different levels of detail. Instead we represent the detail information implicitly by the geometric difference between independent meshes. The detail function is evaluated by shooting rays in normal direction from one surface to the other without assuming a consistent tesselation. In the context of multiresolution shape deformation, we propose a dynamic mesh representation which adapts the connectivity during the modification in order ...
Leif Kobbelt, Thilo Bareuther, Hans-Peter Seidel
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where CGF
Authors Leif Kobbelt, Thilo Bareuther, Hans-Peter Seidel
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