

Multiview Specular Stereo Reconstruction of Large Mirror Surfaces

13 years 8 months ago
Multiview Specular Stereo Reconstruction of Large Mirror Surfaces
In deflectometry, the shape of mirror objects is recovered from distorted images of a calibrated scene. While remarkably high accuracies are achievable, state-of-the-art methods suffer from two distinct weaknesses: First, for mainly constructive reasons, these can only capture a few square centimeters of surface area at once. Second, reconstructions are ambiguous i.e. infinitely many surfaces lead to the same visual impression. We resolve both of these problems by introducing the first multiview specular stereo approach, which jointly evaluates a series of overlapping deflectometric images. Two publicly available benchmarks accompany this paper, enabling us to numerically demonstrate viability and practicability of our approach.
Jonathan Balzer, Sebastian Hoefer, Juergen Beyerer
Added 08 Apr 2011
Updated 29 Apr 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CVPR
Authors Jonathan Balzer, Sebastian Hoefer, Juergen Beyerer
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