

Musical Works as Information Retrieval Entities: Epistemological Perspectives

14 years 4 months ago
Musical Works as Information Retrieval Entities: Epistemological Perspectives
Musical works form a key entity for music information retrieval. Explicit linkage of relationships among entities is critical for document-based information retrieval. Works contain representations of recorded knowledge. Core bodies of work— canons—function to preserve and disseminate the parameters of a culture. A musical work is an intellectual sonic conception. Musical works take documentary form in a variety of instantiations. Epistemology for documentary analysis provides key perceptual information about the objects of knowledge organization. Works are carriers of knowledge, representing deliberately-constructed packages of both rational and empirical evidence of human knowledge. Smiraglia (2001) suggests the parameters of a theory of the work, incorporating the tools of epistemology to comprehend works by expressing theoretical parameters in the context of a taxonomic definition. A work is a signifying, concrete set of ideational conceptions that finds realization through se...
Richard P. Smiraglia
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Richard P. Smiraglia
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