We focus on the creative use of paper in the music composition process, particularly the interaction between paper and end-user programming. When expressing musical ideas, composers draw in a precise way, not just sketch. Working in close collaboration with composers, we designed Musink to provide them with a smooth transition between paper drawings and OpenMusic, a flexible music composition tool. Musink's built-in recognizers handle common needs, such as scoping and annotation. Users can also define new gestures and associate them with their own or pre-defined software functions. Musink supports semistructured, delayed interpretation and serves as a customizable gesture browser, giving composers significant freedom to create their own, individualized composition languages and to experiment with music, on-paper and on-line. Author Keywords Creativity, interactive paper, participatory design, musical interfaces, end-user programming, gesture interfaces. ACM Classification Keyword...
Theophanis Tsandilas, Catherine Letondal, Wendy E.