

N Semantic Classes are Harder than Two

14 years 5 months ago
N Semantic Classes are Harder than Two
We show that we can automatically classify semantically related phrases into 10 classes. Classification robustness is improved by training with multiple sources of evidence, including within-document cooccurrence, HTML markup, syntactic relationships in sentences, substitutability in query logs, and string similarity. Our work provides a benchmark for automatic n-way classification into WordNet's semantic classes, both on a TREC news corpus and on a corpus of substitutable search query phrases.
Ben Carterette, Rosie Jones, Wiley Greiner, Cory B
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ACL
Authors Ben Carterette, Rosie Jones, Wiley Greiner, Cory Barr
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