

Naive Bayesian Classifiers for Ranking

14 years 4 months ago
Naive Bayesian Classifiers for Ranking
It is well-known that naive Bayes performs surprisingly well in classification, but its probability estimation is poor. In many applications, however, a ranking based on class probabilities is desired. For example, a ranking of customers in terms of the likelihood that they buy one's products is useful in direct marketing. What is the general performance of naive Bayes in ranking? In this paper, we study it by both empirical experiments and theoretical analysis. Our experiments show that naive Bayes outperforms C4.4, the most state-of-the-art decisiontree algorithm for ranking. We study two example problems that have been used in analyzing the performance of naive Bayes in classification [3]. Surprisingly, naive Bayes performs perfectly on them in ranking, even though it does not in classification. Finally, we present and prove a sufficient condition for the optimality of naive Bayes in ranking.
Harry Zhang, Jiang Su
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ECML
Authors Harry Zhang, Jiang Su
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