

Naive credal classifier 2: an extension of naive Bayes for delivering robust classifications

14 years 2 months ago
Naive credal classifier 2: an extension of naive Bayes for delivering robust classifications
Naive credal classifier 2 (NCC2) extends naive Bayes in order to deliver more robust classifications. NCC2 is based on a set of prior densities rather than on a single prior; as a consequence, when faced with instances whose classification is prior-dependent (and therefore might not be reliable), it returns a set of classes (we call this an indeterminate classification) instead of a single class. Moreover, NCC2 introduces a very general and flexible treatment of missing data, which, under certain circumstances, can also lead to indeterminate classifications. In this case, indeterminacy can be regarded as a way to preserve reliability despite the information hidden by missing values. We call hard-to-classify the instances classified indeterminately by NCC2. Extensive empirical evaluations show that naive Bayes' accuracy drops considerably on the hard-toclassify instances identified by NCC2, and that on the other hand, NCC2 has high set-accuracy (the proportion of times that the act...
Giorgio Corani, Marco Zaffalon
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DMIN
Authors Giorgio Corani, Marco Zaffalon
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