

Narrowing and Rewriting Logic: from Foundations to Applications

14 years 3 months ago
Narrowing and Rewriting Logic: from Foundations to Applications
Narrowing was originally introduced to solve equational E-unification problems. It has also been recognized as a key mechanism to unify functional and logic programming. In both cases, narrowing supports equational reasoning and assumes confluent equations. The main goal of this work is to show that narrowing can be greatly generalized, so as to support a much wider range of applications, when it is performed with rewrite theories (Σ, E, R), where (Σ, E) is an equational theory, and R is a collection of rewrite rules with no restrictions. Such theories axiomatize concurrent systems, whose states are equivalence classes of terms modulo E, and whose transitions are specified by R. In this context, narrowing is generalized from an equational reasoning technique to a symbolic model checking technique for reachability analysis of a, typically infinite, concurrent system. We survey the foundations of this approach, suitable narrowing strategies, and various applications to security pr...
Santiago Escobar, José Meseguer, Prasanna T
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Santiago Escobar, José Meseguer, Prasanna Thati
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