

Natural language processing of lyrics

14 years 6 months ago
Natural language processing of lyrics
We report experiments on the use of standard natural language processing (NLP) tools for the analysis of music lyrics. A significant amount of music audio has lyrics. Lyrics encode an important part of the semantics of a song, therefore their analysis complements that of acoustic and cultural metadata and is fundamental for the development of complete music information retrieval systems. Moreover, a textual analysis of a song can generate ground truth data that can be used to validate results from purely acoustic methods. Preliminary results on language identification, structure extraction, categorization and similarity searches suggests that a lot of profit can be gained from the analysis of lyrics. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.5 [Information Interfaces And Presentation]: Sound and Music Computing General Terms Algorithms Keywords Music information retrieval, Automatic music classification, Lyrics processing
Jose P. G. Mahedero, Alvaro Martinez, Pedro Cano,
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where MM
Authors Jose P. G. Mahedero, Alvaro Martinez, Pedro Cano, Markus Koppenberger, Fabien Gouyon
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