

On Natural Non-dcpo Domains

14 years 2 months ago
On Natural Non-dcpo Domains
As Dag Normann has recently shown, the fully abstract model for PCF of hereditarily sequential functionals is not -complete and therefore not continuous in the traditional terminology (in conthe old fully abstract continuous dcpo model of Milner). This is also applicable to a wider class of models such as the recently conby the author fully abstract (universal) model for PCF+ = PCF + parallel if. Here we will present an outline of a general approach to this kind of "natural" domains which, although being non-dcpos, allow considering "naturally" continuous functions (with respect to existing directed "pointwise", or "natural" least upper bounds) and also have appropriate version of "naturally" algebraic and "naturally" bounded complete "natural" domains. This is the non-dcpo analogue of the wellknown concept of Scott domains, or equivalently, the complete f-spaces of Ershov. In fact, the latter version of natural doma...
Vladimir Sazonov
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Vladimir Sazonov
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