

Navigation via continuously adapted music

15 years 6 days ago
Navigation via continuously adapted music
Listening to music on personal, digital devices while mobile is an enjoyable, everyday activity. We explore a scheme for exploiting this practice to immerse listeners in navigation cues. Our prototype, Ontrack, continuously adapts audio, modifying the spatial balance and volume to lead listeners to their target destination. An initial lab-based evaluation has demonstrated the approach's efficacy: users were able to complete tasks within a reasonable time and their subjective feedback was positive. Encouraged by these findings, we are building a pocket-sized prototype for further testing. Author Keywords Mobile systems, navigation, audio, ambience, GPS. ACM Classification Keywords H5.5. Sound and music computing.
Nigel Warren, Matt Jones, Steve Jones, David Bainb
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CHI
Authors Nigel Warren, Matt Jones, Steve Jones, David Bainbridge
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