

Near-Optimal Compression of Probabilistic Counting Sketches for Networking Applications

14 years 6 months ago
Near-Optimal Compression of Probabilistic Counting Sketches for Networking Applications
Sketches--data structures for probabilistic, duplicate insensitive counting--are central building blocks of a number of recently proposed network protocols, for example in the context of wireless sensor networks. They can be used to perform robust, distributed data aggregation in a broad range of settings and applications. However, the structure of these sketches is very redundant, making effective compression vital if they are to be transmitted over a network. Here, we propose lossless compression schemes for two types of sketches, Flajolet-Martin sketches and HyperLogLog sketches. They use arithmetic coding as a basis. Analysis and simulations show that compression very close to the entropy limit can be achieved, with an algorithm that is simple enough to be employed even on very resource-constrained hardware. The proposed method outperforms existing compression schemes for FlajoletMartin sketches by far. Furthermore, we point out some surprising parallels between compressed Flajole...
Björn Scheuermann, Martin Mauve
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Björn Scheuermann, Martin Mauve
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