

Near-perfect load balancing by randomized rounding

15 years 1 months ago
Near-perfect load balancing by randomized rounding
We consider and analyze a new algorithm for balancing indivisible loads on a distributed network with n processors. The aim is minimizing the discrepancy between the maximum and minimum load. In every time-step paired processors balance their load as evenly as possible. The direction of the excess token is chosen according to a randomized rounding of the participating loads. We prove that in comparison to the corresponding model of Rabani, Sinclair, and Wanka (1998) with arbitrary roundings, the randomization yields an improvement of roughly a square root of the achieved discrepancy in the same number of time-steps on all graphs. For the important case of expanders we can even achieve a constant discrepancy in O(log n (log log n)3 ) rounds. This is optimal up to log log nfactors while the best previous algorithms in this setting either require (log2 n) time or can only achieve a logarithmic discrepancy. This result also demonstrates that with randomized rounding the difference between...
Tobias Friedrich, Thomas Sauerwald
Added 23 Nov 2009
Updated 23 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where STOC
Authors Tobias Friedrich, Thomas Sauerwald
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