

Near-Regular Texture Synthesis

13 years 10 months ago
Near-Regular Texture Synthesis
This paper describes a method for seamless enlargement or editing of difficult colour textures containing simultaneously both regular periodic and stochastic components. Such textures cannot be successfully modelled using neither simple tiling nor using purely stochastic models. However these textures are often required for realistic appearance visualisation of many man-made environments and for some natural scenes as well. The principle of our near-regular texture synthesis and editing method is to automatically recognise and separate periodic and random components of the corresponding texture. Each of these components is subsequently modelled using its optimal method. The regular texture part is modelled using our roller method, while the random part is synthesised from its estimated exceptionally efficient Markov random field based representation. Both independently enlarged texture components from the original measured texture are combined in the resulting synthetic near-regular te...
Michal Haindl, Martin Hatka
Added 16 Feb 2011
Updated 16 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where CAIP
Authors Michal Haindl, Martin Hatka
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