

Network-assisted congestion control for information centric networking

8 years 11 months ago
Network-assisted congestion control for information centric networking
—Internet has grown very rapidly in the last couple of decades and still growing because of the expansion and utilization of various services and applications. Consequently, demand of delay and throughput sensitive services, like audio/video is also increasing. Information Centric Networking (ICN) is proposed as an architecture for the future Internet to meet the modern users and application requirements. In ICN users send requests (Interest Packets) for the Data they need. Interest packet is assigned a lifetime, which greatly affects the Quality of Experience (QoE) because user needs to resend the Interest, when the lifetime expires. Interest lifetime may be expired because of congestion, or Interest lifetime is shorter than the network delay, etc. Waiting for the expiration of an Interest lifetime to resend it is merely appropriate for best effort traffic, rather than services which require high throughput and are delay sensitive. In this paper, we propose Network-Assisted Congest...
Anselme Ndikumana, Saeed Ullah, Rossi Kamal, Kyi T
Added 16 Apr 2016
Updated 16 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Anselme Ndikumana, Saeed Ullah, Rossi Kamal, Kyi Thar, Hyo Sung Kang, Seung-Il Moon, Choong Seon Hong
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