Traceback schemes aim at identifying the source(s) of a sequence of packets and the nodes these packets traversed. This is useful for tracing the sources of high volume traffic, e.g., in Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. In this paper, we are particularly interested in Probabilistic Packet Marking (PPM) schemes, where intermediate nodes probabilistically mark packets with information about their identity and the receiver uses information from several packets to reconstruct the paths they have traversed. Our work is inspired by two observations. First, PPM is essentially a coupon collector’s problem [1], [2]. Second, the coupon collector’s problem significantly benefits from network coding ideas [3], [4]. Based on these observations, we propose a network coding-based approach (PPM+NC) that marks packets with random linear combinations of router IDs, instead of individual router IDs. We demonstrate its benefits through analysis. We then propose a practical PPM+NC sche...