

Network-Friendly Gossiping

14 years 6 months ago
Network-Friendly Gossiping
The emergence of large-scale distributed applications based on many-to-many communication models, e.g., broadcast and decentralized group communication, has an important impact on the underlying layers, notably the Internet routing infrastructure. To make an eective use of network resources, protocols should both limit the stress (amount of messages) on each infrastructure entity like routers and links, and balance as much as possible the load in the network. Most protocols use application-level metrics such as delays to improve eciency of content dissemination or routing, but the extend to which such applicationcentric optimizations help reduce and balance the load imposed to the infrastructure is unclear. In this paper, we elaborate on the design of such network-friendly protocols and associated metrics. More specically, we investigate random-based gossip dissemination. We propose and evaluate dierent ways of making this representative protocol network-friendly while keeping its ...
Sabina Serbu, Etienne Riviere, Pascal Felber
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SSS
Authors Sabina Serbu, Etienne Riviere, Pascal Felber
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