

Neural Models for Part-Whole Hierarchies

14 years 4 months ago
Neural Models for Part-Whole Hierarchies
We present a connectionist method for representing images that explicitlyaddresses their hierarchicalnature. It blends data fromneuroscience about whole-object viewpoint sensitive cells in inferotemporal cortex8 and attentional basis- eld modulation in V43 with ideas about hierarchical descriptions based on microfeatures.5,11 The resulting model makes critical use of bottom-up and top-down pathways for analysis and synthesis.6 We illustrate the model with a simple example of representing information about faces. 1 Hierarchical Models Images of objects constitute an important paradigm case of a representational hierarchy, in which `wholes', such as faces, consist of `parts', such as eyes, noses and mouths. The representation and manipulation of part-whole hierarchical information in xed hardware is a heavy millstone around connectionist necks, and has consequently been the inspiration for many interesting proposals, such as Pollack's RAAM.11 We turned to the primate visu...
Maximilian Riesenhuber, Peter Dayan
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where NIPS
Authors Maximilian Riesenhuber, Peter Dayan
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